Saturday, April 3, 2010

Miccosukee Greenway

The last day Perry was in Tallahassee we drove by the entrance to a new park, or at least a park that Perry and I had not visited or heard of before. We discovered the entrance and then due to time constraints had to leave, but I secretly plotted a way to return. Two days later I was able to get away for an hour long walk at the new found Miccosukee Greenway.

The entrance off of Miccosukee road (one of the roads leading to Westminster Oaks) was mostly an open green area, but once I got past the greenway and walked partly around a pond (I couldn't get all the way around because of a fence) there were lots of live oaks covered with Spanish moss (a Tallahassee tradition).

There were several paths to choose but all the paths seemed to be tree-lined and shady. Since it was relatively early in the spring season I didn't encounter too many bugs. While on the path I only came across a few other people walking the paths. One man and his boxer dog warned me that walking alone as a woman probably wasn't a good idea. I did keep going on the path but didn't return on later days partly with his warning in mind.

Lots of little flowers were starting to poke out from all the underbrush. It was very different from the flowers and weather we left in Louisville (except for the few days before when the temperature in Louisville was only 3 degrees cooler than Tallahassee).

Some of the paths with the live oak trees and flowers were amazing. I ended up walking for a half-hour before turning around. I wasn't able to make it to the end of the trail since I had to use the bathroom and the only public bathroom was all the way back to where the car was parked. While my walk ended up being about an hour long, I definitely walked faster on the way back to the car.

On the way back to the car I did stop and take a few pictures of the ferns growing on some of the extremely low hanging branches of the live oaks. The way the low branches and ferns were growing reminded me of some of the scenes in the movie Avatar when Scully was first walking in the jungle on the alien planet. It seems sometimes the littlest things can look so different when viewed up close.

Ironically when I got back to Louisville some of the trees in our own front and back yards were flowering much like this tree below.

I had seen these same flowers and berries when I walked the trail at the San Luis Mission right after Martha's knee replacement surgery. I still don't know what type of plant these berries are but they are beautiful with the bright red and green.

By the time I got back to the greenway open area I was relieved. I really had to use the bathroom (maybe from all the previous Tropical Smooth Cafe visits). In the corner you can see the pond where several herons were walking along the edges earlier. This time I bypassed the lake and went straight to the restroom.

In the cluster of trees were several picnic tables. Hanging from poles were gourd birdhouses. By the time I got back to this area were several families and dogs walking around and even playing frisbee. Frisco would have loved running around.

Here are more low hanging branches and picnic tables. I got a little lonely and thought it would have been fun to have Vincent and Frisco and Perry there to enjoy this with. Maybe even a picnic would have been good.

Can't you just picture a big blue human-cat creature walking along these limbs trying to avoid being eaten?

These ferns growing on the limbs I could imagine changing colors at night.

Miccosukee Greenway was a great walk and worth repeating. I'm looking forward to doing this walk again but maybe making it all the way to the Fleischmann's road entrance/exit/parking lot.

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