Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy birthday, Sarah!

For - I think - the third year in a row we got to help our friend Sarah celebrate her birthday. For the 2nd year in a row we were at the Corner Cafe in Linden, near Sarah's Y. Sarah is always incorporating new people into her circle, and this year there were a number of people from the Y and Sarah's new salsa dance class, which turns out to be in town right near where the church where we're doing the English as a foreign language ministry. We were just about the last of some dozen plus people there to arrive (sans birthday present, but with a card). Below Stephanie shares a laugh with Sarah's friend Sara, with whom we've rollar skated and who we're Facebook friends with.

Below is Sara's husband Jonathan, who's talked with Vincent (who was elsewhere at a movie) before.

Below is one friend of Sarah who left early.

Like last year, Sarah put on her de facto cruise party director hat and engaged us in party games. Dennis and I - who had not met before - tagged a variety of colored M and Ms with quetions and discussed things in the questions like our pets and funny times with Sarah. Dennis is a Southern (Baptist) Seminary student who is from Wisconsin - and has 10 brothers and sisters!

Julia (sitting) and Sara (standing) helped Sarah (sitting, right) arrange the party, and Sara brought carrot cakes (I confess, I had two pieces). My camera is acting up and has no video capacity so there are not videos this year - and us singing "Happy Birthday" to Sarah, of her blowing out the candles, or of her and Wayne demonstrating salsa dancing.

But, with some effort, Sarah did blow out all of the candles - on BOTH of her cakes!

Another red-headed friend of Sarah stopped by before leaving a little before we did. Julia, Sarah, Stephanie, Sara, Jonathan, and I stayed on until the restaurant was closing. I didn't get a good picture of Dean, who was also there.

Happy birthday!

-- Perry

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