Friday, May 7, 2010

Opryland Hotel

Late last July Stephanie and a colleague broadly construed who teaches middle school English as a new language in New Albany (Laura Martin) stayed in the sprawling Opryland Hotel in Nasvhille, where a READ 180 - the reading program both of them have taught this year to ENl and non-ENL students alike - was held.

Nine months later Laura is recovering from a very serious winter car accident but still plans to teach in the fall. And the hotel lies in ruins, thanks to the Cumberland River flooding.

There's no money this year for the school district to send people to conferences. But it's not clear this one will happen. Unless perhaps it moves to Louisville, and then maybe Stephanie can participate affordably. Another friend named Laura (Laura Chambers) watched much her Bellevue (TN) neighborhood submerge and is rallying people to help her neighbors move the water and repair their homes. We're thinking of all of you.

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