Monday, September 14, 2009

Mid-September news

Monday is the one-year anniversary (by days of the week) of that fateful Heine Brothers family meeting in which Vincent and his friend negotiated the terms of his return to our house. That was also Day 1 of the aftermath of Ike - at its start part of the first of five days during which we were out of electricity and mainly had no school (but I had work), Ike having arrived at mid-day Sunday.

Good and bad work news for me: Turned a piece I'd been trying to write for something else - working with our PR and press people - into a press release that Presbyterian News Service put out this evening - and that the "Church Executive" Web site had already picked up this evening -

On the other hand, our manager announced today that the whole building is shifting a little towards billable hours - meaning, we have to keep track of how much time we're spending on various projects - which ultimately means I'll have to spend even less time on things like personal and family business and various extracurricular activities (Toastmasters, church, mid-Kentucky presbytery multicultural ministries team), and . . .

As one might expect, Vincent having a job and a bank account with a check book and paying for some of his own stuff has suddenly made him a penny-pincher. I notice he quit buying big sodas as part of his lunch when he was paying for his own lunch at the mall. It took a lot to persuade him to go to the doctor's for his cold - finally, on Saturday - because - thanks to him smoking - we said he had to pay his own doctor co-payments (including the $150 co-pay when he went to the ER after the knife incident). Taking responsibility also means sometimes not making wise choices. He and I went to say the live-action version of the Japanese manga Death Note II last night at the only time available: 9:30 p.m. - and got out at 12 midnight. I managed to get out of bed and walk the dog and get to work close to on-time. But he inadvertently slept him and was late to work for the first time. He had a kind of medical excuse and they've asked him to stay late periodically and it seems they like his work and so it seems like it was OK. A bird defecated on his pants on his way to work.

Stephanie got a clean bill of health from her mammogram and now has baseline information for future mammograms.

My Mother is still working with her insurance company, the pharmaceutical company, and her health care providers to get the anti-osteoporosis medication and get started on it (complicated, you'll recall - with daily self-administration by shot into her abdomen - plus transit of the medication to her is complicated). Wednesday - after trying other strategies - Mom heads to her first physical therapy appointment in almost a year (except going to a different place) - for her mobility, strength, agility, and balance - after getting a new test Tuesday on the genetic angioma on her liver that makes her more prone to internal bleeding (and blood clots?). Hopefully it is what they thought and not something worse and has not grown. Mom will continue to try to go to tai chi classes on Saturday morning and one or two weekday evenings, to do some short exercises at work, and to do short bursts of yard work or house work - hopefully without wearing down too much. Good luck with your appointments, Mom.

-- Perry

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