Friday, September 4, 2009

World Fest 2009

On the way to our annual pilgrimage to World Fest - downtown Louisville's Labor Day weekend international event - we stopped at the "Fireside Gallery' at church for an openin gof paintings by Lalitha, a church member (left above). Ada (right) curated. Arriving at the festival some 20 minutes later - sans our friend Sarah - our out-of-town friend who usually goes with us - we immeidately ran into several friends, including Laura from church (below right) and a horse character who hung out with us for several minutes.

We also ran into Andrew from church - and - later - brother Stephen and Ada. Then Gail (below and below below) from work (with her kid, originally from Mongolia, somewhere else at the festival). Later we ran into someone who had volunteered for the Peace Corps in Mongolia. Stephanie has one Mongolian American student. Gail told us she's taking her kid to the speedway in Clarksville (IN) next weekend.

Although there was plenty of overlap across some places, there were a lot more places to get food around the festival than I had remembered before.

And the bands were great - a Mexican band with a great fiddler and a NYC Celtic rock band with a great fiddler. Below were a folk Anglican pastor couple whose adopted African American son danced with other (white, female) Irish dancers to a couple of the latter band's tunes.

Below you can almost make out the fiddler on the left.

And, below, the Irish dancers.

On our way back to the car we caught the last couple of minutes of a funk band too (including Ada from the gallery opening and spouse Stephen dancing) - three good bands, lots of people and lots of great food - Friday night - World Fest 2009 (sans Vincent - who later regretted he'd stayed home)
-- Perry

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