Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today after going to a therapist appointment with Vincent that was actually pretty productive, I took Vincent to get the ten stitches on the top of his foot removed. He had been anxiously looking forward to this visit, but hoped he would be walking out of the office.

Vincent's appointment was scheduled for 4:10 but we weren't called back to a room until after 5:00. Our doctor usually has long waits so this wasn't completely out of character. After looking at Vincent's stitches Dr. Haney (knowing he was running behind) had an LPN show one of the other nurses how to take out stitches (I'm assuming he was catching up with other patients).

In the middle of the wound (where the cut was deepest) it had not healed as thoroughly. They put an ointment on his wound and then put a surgical tape over it to keep it held together. Vincent will stay have to stay on crutches for another two or three days (Vincent was disappointed). The Dr. said that the swelling will take about a month to go down. He will also have to do stretches for his toes (to keep the tendon from healing stiffly). He will also have to finish off the antibiotics to keep away his infection.
---- Stephanie

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